Sunday, April 24, 2016

A beautiful birthday weekend!

Tyler and I had a beautiful birthday weekend!

You couldnt ask for better weather and relaxation too!

We kicked off the weekend with my birthday and heading to Gadsden for dinner. It was crowded at Chilis but oh so good!

Since Alexis and Lily spent the night with Gran, Tyler and I headed and did a little shopping before heading home. He let me pick out a new purse for my birthday! It is a fun yellow and I love it! :)

Tyler and I woke up SUPER early and went Turkey hunting since it is the last weekend of Turkey season. Sad to report, no Turkey. We saw and heard several....but they just wouldnt come our way! {Insert tears for Tyler} he didnt get a Turkey this year. :(

Once we finished up hunting, we came home and headed out for a bike ride down the trial! It was sooo beautiful but super windy so we changed plans and decided to not ride all the way to Piedmont. I think we would have died if we tried to push through the wind! It is tough to ride when it is windy! So, we went pretty far and then turned around and rode the other direction back towards JSU campus. We stopped off at Struts and enjoyed lunch before heading home to REST! :)

Alexis and Lily just relaxed at Grans' before they headed home where we spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and eating popsicles! :)

We rounded out the birthday weekend by Church, lunch, and Alexis and I painted our toes! :) Nothing better! :) :)
My view! LOVE!
Love stopping for a break at 'Turtle Pond!' Little did I know that is what it is called! I just thought I just was the only one that called it that until a friend of mine noticed where we were parked and said she loved Turtle Pond! WHO knew! :)
All the turtles were lined up all along this log! I couldnt get my phone quick enough before they all started jumping off. Only these braves ones were left once I took the picture! :)
After Church and lunch Alexis and I drove to FOUR nail salons only to find that they all were closed today! {I mean really!....why cant ONE be opened on a pretty Sunday afternoon!} :) Sooo....we came home and did our own! This was the first time ever that Alexis painted her nails by herself! She did both her fingernails and toe nails!! She did awesome {which Im not surprised at all} because she is so neat and precise anyways with everything else! I asked her if doing it like this was more fun than going somewhere to have it done and she said that she LOVED doing it herself at home! :)
She was in SUCH deep concentration the entire time she did it all! She even did what's in style now by painting all of her nails one color except her ring finger and toenail was painted a different color {she chose silver sparkles} She was SO proud of herself! :) :)

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