Wednesday, April 20, 2016

BIG day for Aubie!

Happy birthday to Aubie today! He is 2!!

We celebrated his birthday today with cupcakes, party hats and the happy birthday song after the girls got home from Awanas! :) The girls have been sooooooo excited about celebrating Aubie's birthday and just couldnt wait to do it!

Tickles was invited to the party since she is a member of the family now and she said happy birthday to him by hissing at him! haha!!

We dont know when Tickles birthday is but we will celebrate her 'gotcha day' {kind of like they do when you adopt a child and have a 'gotcha day'} in November! She will be with us for a year then! :)

This picture CRACKS me up!! Tyler is mid sentence saying 'Why are we taking a picture of a cat's birthday' as he is trying to hold Aubie from jumping down because he wants nothing to do with his own party! Meanwhile, Tickles has to be thinking... what is going on and why did I choose this family to adopt me as Alexis is doing the perfect pose and smile {as her normal self} oblivious that poor Tickles is probably misearable....and Lily, well, is just being Lily and is still dazed and confused since it is her bedtime and from all the medicines from her surgery! ha! Fun times! :) :)
Happy 2nd birthday Aubie, we all love you!!
Throwback to when Aubie turned 1 last year! :)

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