Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Happy birthday Tyler!

Today is Tyler's birthday!

Boy, he is getting old! :) :)

HAPPY birthday to YOU!

We REALLY surprised Tyler last year on his birthday when we went and ate Mexican with the waiters coming out singing to him and putting the sombrero on him and the cream on his face....so the girls were SUPER excited to do it again this time....and SCORE, we did yesterday! Look at his face! SURPRISED! :)
Lily thought it was hilarious!
And then she REALLY thought it was hilarious when Daddy smudged it on her face too! :)
And today Tyler and I took off early and went for a bike ride together down the Ladaga trail to celebrate and Im sooooo sad because my SIM card on my phone went bad and so the pictures I took are gone but we still had a great ride and it was a beautiful afternoon!
We met Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw later on to celebrate on his actual birthday at his chosen spot, Longhorn, and he was sang to again and look who ate all of his birthday dessert! :)

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