Friday, April 8, 2016

Ballin, stylin and livin week

Spring has sprung around here for sure.......

the pollen is finally slacking up since it was layered everywhere including turning my car from black to yellow!

But, Spring is here, hopefully it will start warming up and that means...... t~ball is in FULL swing!

Lily had a game Monday {due to rain out} practice Tuesday and then a game tomorrow!

Im loving it!

Life lately....
 This is priceless! They are 'Lil' Braves' sooooo....they do their 'battle call' as they run around the bases! It was hilarious because apparently the coach told Lily to whistle {which she doesnt know how to do} so she ran around the bases with her fingers in her mouth {like you would do if you were whistling} except she was screaming! hahaha! We have been ballin!....
 Meet William. He just turned 5 a couple of days ago so he is 5 months older than Alexis. He is a sweetie pie..............but OH......WHEW, he is a LIVE wire! His parents are great and super nice! Soooo, LOOK at Lily's face! Lisa {William's Mom} took this picture and she said 'It looks like Lily is in Heaven' Well, that is because she calls William her boyfriend! Yep, my 4 year old says she has a boyfriend! She brings her fake real phone with her everywhere we go just in case he needs to call her! OH me! :)
 Alexis lately at school...............
 Love this picture! What a fun way to learn to tell time!
Collecting all the empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls has come to fruition! The musical instruments are underway!
Making her instrument beautiful! :)
We have worked hard this week on our backyard and Tyler has made it soooo beautiful now! It is no longer a dust pile of nothing! LOVE! :) We are stylin!.....
Love it and cant wait for our grass to green up more as Spring keeps coming!
This melted my heart! Alexis brought this home the other day and look!!!!......she drew me and her and we are 'chikes'...chicks! :) :)
And the super highlight AND the saddest moment............American Idol has finally come to an end. I have watched this great....and awesome....and cool show for 15 seasons and had such HIGH hopes that Alexis would be on there one day.....but now, it has ended. I am SO excited and glad that Trent won on the final season! He is awesome and the finale was great with all the past contestants coming back and performing! I do have to say LaPorsha was great {the runner up} but I am glad he won. I dont know what we are going to do here at the Law home now knowing that American Idol is over. This showed marked History, this show gave hope to everyone, this show inspired Alexis to want to sing and be on TV, this show was a SUPER highlight of our great and wonderful trip to Disney 2 years ago when we went to their show and Alexis was amazed that we were actually at American Idol! She was amazed that we were there and were on TV and that we got to watch them sing and we got to vote! {It was a great replica show and I even felt like I was actually there and actually on TV} We will miss this show!!
We have been livin.......    :) :)

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