Saturday, April 2, 2016

Surviving the week..

Whew, this week has been rough to say the least...

in more ways than one.....

We have been trying to get back in the work and school groove since being out last week for Spring break, we havent had any regular routine this week due to most things we do is in Oxford and this week is their break.

Sometimes a 'do over' is wished....

And I dont want to do this week over again, but I could see where this could be a 'do over' week!

Lily had a great week...especially at the beginning. Aunt Pam and Richard came and got her after T-ball practice and she spent two nights with them and had a blast! Alexis wished she could go but it is always both of them so it was good for Lily to have some 'one on one' time!

We literally didnt do anything the rest of the week besides Church, we did go and see the Easter drama at Hillcrest and it was SO good! Im glad we got to see it.

Alexis spent the night with her friend Carmen last night and had a blast too!

Lily's first T-ball game was supposed to be today and it is cancelled because of the big storm we had so sadly it is a beautiful day today with no ball. I cant wait for the game on Monday though! I can NOT wait to watch her play! :)

So what's been happening this week............really, nothing special. Except, I love seeing Alexis and how much fun she has at school. On this day, they finished up their 'Fairy tail' reading book series so they were partnered up to build a house that the big bad wolf could not blow down. I have to say...after seeing the other houses...and options they had to choose from to build their house, they decided on the best and strongest of them all! {Some groups built their houses our of cottonballs, etc...not very strong and easy for the wolf} I was super proud to see Alexis and Adalee's strong house!! :) 
Lily and I took off on an adventure to Birmingham to Children's this week for a determination to see if she would be approved to have her tonsils out. She was approved. After talking with the doctor, this is hopefully going to be a really great thing for her and help her to stop snoring and sleep better and not be so congested all the time. AND...hopefully it will help her start gaining some weight too since those big and HUGE tonsils will be gone so she can eat better!
We stopped for lunch and had the best lunch and time as just me and my little chick! :)
And, this big chick had a great time with Carmen!

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