Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cedar Creek drifting!

We ventured out this morning with the Exum's and had with them today!

The Exum's {Scott, Katie and McKenzie} are members of the Birmingham Canoeing Club if that tells you ANYTHING about who we went canoeing with today!

I have to was chilly {but not miserable} for about the first 30 minutes but then the sun came out and we coasted on down the Cedar Creek in Cave Springs, Georgia.

Tyler and I learned a thing or two....or three or four from Scott and Katie to say the least while we canoed today which, I think, will for sure come in handy for us now that we know, the next times we canoe!

The girls and McKenzie had a blast with each other and taking turns and switching out what canoe they were going to float in! Alexis loved the most being in Scott's canoe with him the whole time because she got a paddle and he taught her how to do it and she loved being in the front and thinking she was doing the canoe all by herself! Tyler is looking into getting the girls their own paddles as I type this because they loved doing it!

We met them early this morning and headed to Georgia to canoe. In Cave Springs there is the cutest little {and I mean little} 'town' with a General Store, a Fudge Shoppe a couple of Antique stores and a really cute and great Steak House! We ate there before heading to the water and it was such a small and cute...and quaint little restaurant! We ended the fun with them by going to Baja after our fun filled day on the water!!
You can't go canoeing without bringing your babies along too!
My biggest chickadee and I
Ahh....we ended up with it being just us!! We left all of them behind........until we got stuck on a ton of rocks and had to shimmy and shake our way off! Whew!!!....
Cruisin on down!!....
McKenzie and Lily being silly during one of their 10,000 snack breaks!
We hopped off for a little bit to wander around and skip rocks! The girls....and Tyler had a blast throwing the rocks in!
 Our little family of four cruising along!
 The classic picture of Tyler and I! Scott sent me this picture and he labeled it....'DUCK!' :) :)
 This picture Scott sent is classic....because Tyler and I had to shimmy and shake several times to get unstuck from rocks! In this picture he sent me he labeled it as 'YAYY!! We finally made it off the rock!' haha!!
 Lily flying on down with expert 'canoer' number 1! :)
And Alexis ditched her baby {doll} to take the lead with expert 'canoer' number 2! :)
We made it! We had such a great day with the Exum's!!

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