Friday, April 29, 2016

Busy week!

We have been busy this week with Spring semester winding down, ballet winding down, t-ball winding up and everything in between! :) :)

We have had Awanas this week and homework and spelling words and coin counting and more!

We capped off tonight with Carmen spending the night with Alexis!

Poor Lily....she doesnt understand that Carmen is Alexis' friend and not so much hers...even though Carmen is super sweet and includes her in things......

It is just....

Alexis doesnt so much.....

and Lily wants to do EVERYTHING that they do....

I guess the quicker Lily figures out that she is the younger sister and her 'time will come' will be for the good...

I dont know when that will be though! :)

I have spent a lot of time with these ladies this week with us being in meeting after meeting since Spring semester is officially over today!
And nothing better than watermelon after a hard afternoon of t-ball practice! :)
These chicks wanted to go eat Mexican so we celebrated it being Friday by having a girl Mexican party! :) :)

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