Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My sassy lil' britches and her 1st T-ball game!

Last night marked Lily's first game of the season!

To say I loved every.single.second.of.it. is an understatement!

Her little team did SO good and it was just so cute to see all their little bodies out there having fun!

I cant wait for the rest of the season!
This is my MOST favorite picture!!! EVER! :)

This little body...I could just eat.her.up.
My sweet Lil' Brave!
This sassy thing refused to smile while taking a picture with Daddy!
And being cheesy with Gran and Ben!
Running over to give a hug to Pawpaw and seeing Nan and Brandi!
So sweet! I love how they are holding hands! Look how tiny Lily is compared to Raybon! :)
Alexis wanted a picture with some of the Lil' Braves! {Lily, Alexis, William and Madison!}
In the dug-out and ready to go out and play!
Up to bat! She hit the ball SOOOO good! Super proud of her!
She made it to third and ready to run home!
Can you guess which one she is!????......the smallest one out there! :) :)

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