Sunday, April 17, 2016

Recovery weekend

Lily has done SO well with her recovery from her surgery.

She has gotten better and better over the weekend and I am so thankful!

Poor Bryson {a sweet friend of Lily's on her t-ball team} had his tonsils out the week before Lily and he has been super sick and not eating so Im glad that Lily is doing so well.

We have been just trying to keep her 'chill' and it has been hard because she has asked a lot to go outside and play or go to the park since it has been such a beautiful weekend. Thank goodness it wont be too much longer that she can start doing all of that again because I know she has missed it! She has developed a really....really high pitched little voice {which is completely normal and part of the healing process} but it is just really funny to hear her little body speak in her little high pitched voice! Alexis, on the other hand, doesnt like to hear it. She just doesnt understand that Lily cant help it. She keeps telling her to stop talking like that. She thinks Lily is just playing...and wont stop! ha! Thank goodness it shouldnt be too much longer before her sweet little voice is back to normal! :)

Yesterday was such a pretty day that we ventured out for a little bit to get Lily out of the house. We did some shopping and then enjoyed eating at the new Panda Express that has just opened down in Oxford. YUM-O! Tyler and Alexis decided to go on a Daddy/Daughter date down the Ladiga trail on a bike ride while Lily and I stayed home and watched cartoons and a movie. She caught on that Alexis was leaving with we had to tell a little white lie that they were going to the store and would be back. I hated it for Lily but hated for them two to not be out and enjoy the day!

This morning we had our normal routine of Church and then Nan called and we met them for lunch and the girls are with them heading to see the new Jungle Book movie. Sooo....since they are gone, Tyler and I enjoyed going to the JSU softball game and then got a 'fun' drink from Sonic to round out our low key afternoon. Now we are all home with nice warm baths and curled up ready to relax and head to bed in a little bit!  :)

Little Miss Sassy spent the entire Saturday afternoon playing dress up and walking her baby dolls....and her water jug....around and then 'cooking' and 'taking orders' at her restaurant with Alexis! :)
 Can you see two real girls?!?! They are hard to find! :)
 Alexis and Tyler decided to go on a bike ride and this was Tyler's view! Alexis loves riding her bike!
Our favorite spot is to stop at the 'Turtle pond' as we call it! Alexis said that they didnt see any turtles this time but that they saw two random dogs swimming together...and racing each other in the water! :)
Daddy took a selfie with Alexis! :)
They finished up their bike ride with the Ice-cream man at the park!
Church girl today!
This picture cracks me up because this is Lily being Lily. She is refusing to smile because she thought I didnt give her enough time to put her purse on her shoulder! OH me! :) :)

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