Friday, April 22, 2016

My special little day! marked another year in the books for me!

I guess I could say I am one year wiser.........

the jury is still out about that!........

I had a great day today. It was supposed to be raining with thunderstorms all day but thankfully it ended up being a beautiful Spring day!

I know I can say, I am blessed to be one year older! :)

I love my co~workers! We all enjoy lunch together ever once in awhile! Jan always loves to tag along with us whenever we go even though she is retired now! She brought sweet Ella with her to keep us all entertained during lunch!
Today was  a great day! I had lunch with my most favorite date! Tyler and I enjoyed Cecils before heading back to work!
Once we were off, we headed to get the girls before going to Gadsden to meet Gran, Ben, Richard and Pam to eat at Chilis to celebrate more...and to celebrate Tyler's late birthday! Chilis was super good but goodness it was soooo slow! The girls always enjoy seeing the 'pretty dresses' while we wait. We love to sit out in the back part by the water. It is soooo nice to look out as we wait. Tyler mentioned {and I totally agree} it seems like every time we go to Chilis there is always like a Prom or some sort of dance where couples are dressed up and taking pictures by the water! Alexis loves to look at all the fancy dresses! Tyler and I laughed because the last time we went there it must have been some Prom because there was a couple dressed head to toe in Camo! Yes, the girl had on a Camo dress! {Something I NEVER thought I would see!} :)
This little chick was super excited to celebrate my birthday with me and head to Gadsden! She got her two friends buckled in and ready to go too! :)
Tyler got Alexis an old fashioned Coke to enjoy on the way to Gadsden! She thought it was the coolest thing!
The girls ended up spending the night with Gran and Ben so now Tyler and I are literally doing nothing {insert WHOO HOOO here} :) and then getting up early to Turkey hunt and then a long bike ride! {Im tired just thinking about it!}...but excited!!
I would give two thumbs up on mine and Tyler's birthday weekend!! :)

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