Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lily and her tonsils

Lily and her tonsils and adenoids said goodbye today!!

I am sooooo glad that we had this surgery for her!

She was a trooper and is doing so well and LOVING the fact that whenever she asks for jello and popsicles that she gets them! :)

Her surgery was quick and easy and we were on our way home in no time! She did so well! In recovery she had 3 popsicles before we even left the Surgery Center! She is going to be spoiled rotten! :)

Here she is waiting patiently in the waiting room to go back! Her friend 'Sweetheart' the Dragon was with her the whole time! :)
About to go back! She enjoyed the Disney channel while we waiting! Children's Hospital is such a great place! They were so sweet and thoughtful to Lily and us the entire time we were there! Sweetheart even had the 'bubblegum' Princess air too! A funny story: Dr. Wooley came in to tell us some last minute things and then at one point he said, 'Now remember she can have whatever she wants to eat.' {Referencing popsicles, etc} So when he leaves, Lily looks over and Tyler and I with the BIGGEST smile and says, 'He said I can eat all the bubblegum I want!' OH ME! :) :) This child of mine! :)
And here she is......two thumbs up on the way home! :) We stopped at Chick-fila on the way home and she downed their chicken and noodle soup. Then had a great nap on the rest of the ride home! Now we are all home and curled up having family movie night {per Alexis' request} watching Tom and Jerry! :)

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