Monday, April 25, 2016

Their ears still hang low!

Today marked that time again to do the twice a year measuring of the girls!

I just love to do this and it cracks me up how the girls get when we do it!

What I mean by that....they just have this little competition among themselves as to who grew the most!

Tyler always loves to mess with Alexis and just like tonight....he made a mark under where she was the last time we did it and told her that she had shrunk!

OH ME.....

she falls for it every time...

and she always looks over to me and asks me if he is lying or not! Lily is laughing her head off because she has grown and Alexis has shrunk! :)

Lily was up first! This little girl is growing and I love watching her do it! :)
Doing her famous signature! :)
There it is! The results!!
Alexis was last but not least! It is hard work to stand still while still trying to eat her popsicle and smile too! :)
Her signature on the wall!
And there it is! Her results! :)
Daddy and Lily played a little air hockey before Alexis and her played a round while Tyler beat me in a round of ping pong and darts! He is good!.........and I am not even close!

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