Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Cocky cold full day!

Whew, today has been busy!

Started off at work this morning at the ripe early time of 6:00am to set up and get ready for our 2nd annual Run/Walk for Your Life 5K!

It was a great turn-out this year just like the last! We were wondering if it would be just as great as our big 1st year and it was!

This year was super, super, super chilly!

When that wind was cold!

But, I had a great time and then had an even better time rooting Lily and the Lil' Braves on for their 2nd game today!

Lily is just soooooooooooooo adorable as a t-ball girl! :)

Not sure 'adorable' should be a word used in a 'rough and tough' game of ball, but she is! :)

Then we came home and relaxed and played before heading to dinner to celebrate Brandi's and Nan's birthday! Yume'........oh yum! :)

I have to first I had NO idea that he was standing right behind me for a good length of time....and then, I didnt realize who he actually was once I found out he was standing behind me! haha! I knew that we got him as our MC for the awards, but for some crazy reason I was thinking Greg Burgess was 'Bubba' from the Rick and Bubba Show even though I know 'Bubba' is Bill Bussy and is 'chubbier' and all.......
So...anyways, it was kind of awkward because I think he knew that I was clueless, but he was super nice and introduced himself to me and spoke to me for awhile!
So, I got to meet Greg Burgess..................................    it just took me a minute to realize it! :) 
 I LOVE these two.....well, three!....... Tubbs {first name Cindy!} haha!......Cocky....but really Jacker {actual name Jennifer}
My friend and co-worker, Jennifer Acker had to go to 'Cocky school' to learn how to be Cocky because we 'booked' Cocky but then they realized that they had double booked him because the real Cocky was with the JSU Cheerleaders in Daytona Beach Florida for Nationals Cheer Competition. She learned so goooood Cocky moves, how to act while being 'Cocky' and what 'signs' to use if you need something because Cocky can NOT talk the WHOLE time Cocky is in costume! {crazy right!} Tubbs {is what we call her} was Cocky's 'handler' so she followed Cocky around and helped! Jennifer {Jacker is what we call her} did a GREAT job!
 Cocky................actually Jacker, busted some awesome moves today! Poor girl, she was exhausted after!!
 We had a huge turn-out! It was awesome to see all the runners take off when the horn was blown!
They are all ready to take off!!
And...then on to my most favorite event of the day! Watching my Lily bug play ball! She hit the ball SO good today! On her first bat, she decided to keep running past first base....but hey, she figured it out that she needed to turn around and go back and stand on the base..........when she decided to stop running! :) :) Watching these games are hysterical!
Getting ready to knock it out of the park! :) :) {her Coach told her to 'run like the wind' after she hit the ball! She asked me what that meant!} hahahahaha!!!
Now....last event of the night! Happy birthday to Brandi and Nan!! Brandi chose Yume' for their birthday dinner and it was sooooooooooooooo ......sooooooooooooo good! We get a TON of food and I was stuffed! This chick was being super silly while sitting and messing around with Daddy after we stuffed ourselves! :)
I hate this picture is blurry! My camera.....ughh....I think I have worn it out from taking a CAzillion pictures with it! :) The two birthday girls..........with the two chickadee girls....and Pawpaw! :)

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