Friday, April 15, 2016

Life lately with a tonsil surgery

We have been very low key this week due to Lily being out of commission for a little bit. We have been in full swing of movies, popsicles, naps, coloring, reading books, making forts, eating jello and watching cartoons!

Alexis still went to ballet Thursday but sweet ole Lily sat it out. She also is missing her big t-ball game tomorrow, but she will be rooting for the Lil' Braves in heart! :)

Lily has had several visitors bring a load of fun things since she had her surgery to help her recover faster!

Nan and Pawpaw brought over some really fun balloons and a really cute baby doll for her, Gran brought a multi colored big teddy bear and Pam brought a really neat giraffe that you can heat in the microwave and it is soooo soothing! You can also put it in the freezer and can snuggle with it say if you are running a fever! It is the coolest thing.......... literally if you want it to be! :) :)

Gran kept Lily today since I had to go back to work and Lily enjoyed the day with her. Gran said that she did awesome today and acted like nothing was even wrong with her! {And...didnt take a nap so Im hoping she sleeps really REALLY good tonight since she has had me up both nights some!}

This afternoon we headed out to Yamoto {per Lily's request} to get her out of the house today since she hasnt been out since Wednesday!

I wanted to post these pictures that a friend on the team took of the game this past Saturday! She was in deep concentration!
I love this! Lily high fiving the other team!
It was an unusually cold Saturday so we had some players that didnt make it to the game!....but the ones that did, OH so cute! :)
Life lately with Alexis, she has been learning about different 'pitches.' She was super thrilled about this!
I was off with Lily Thursday...and I have to say, I think Aubie is SUPER thrilled that his best friend is home with him! He is eating it up FOR SURE! :) :)
Two peas in a pod! Aubie LOVES Lily!................and Lily LOVES Aubie too! :)
I have been super proud of Lily! She has been eating sooooo good and has had a great appetite and she has been drinking fluids like the doc told her. I havent even given her the pain meds as much either because she has been acting awesome! I hope it keeps like this and she continues to have a smooth sailing with it! :)

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