Thursday, May 26, 2016

2nd grade has come and gone!

And so it is...

2nd grade has come and gone for Alexis!

Time has just flown and the school year is officially over today for her!

She has had an amazing teacher and just loves Mrs. Nelson!

She has really grown over this past year and I am so proud of how hard she has worked and what a leader she has become in her class!

I cant wait to see her to continue to grow and love school as she is now on to 3rd!!

Look how much she has changed over the course of a year! She was SO ready to begin her 2nd grade year on this day!
Her very first picture with Mrs.Nelson!
Ready to go!
Now, it has come and gone! Last day of 2nd grade for this one!
My two loves! They look so much older here compared to the beginning of the year!
Last picture with Mrs. Nelson! Since they are moving into their new school next year...I told Alexis to be a big helper to her today since there is nothing left to do since schooooolllls out for Summer! :)
Flashback!! when she was just starting Kindergarten! OH wow!!....she has grown! she is finishing her 2nd grade year!

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