Thursday, May 19, 2016

Get your green on!

Guess who tried Collard greens for the very first time this afternoon!


and she loved them!

I actually have never tried them either and I did but well, Im not a fan but they werent terrible!

I am super proud of Alexis and how she is always open to trying new things and being a good sport!

Today Alexis had 'Fun Day!' Field Day and Fun Day are two days that all the kids just can NOT wait for as the school year winds down. Alexis said she had so much fun today during Fun Day!
They painted pictures, played board games, danced, ate ice cream and more! It was a great day for her! :)
All of their art work!
Having fun eating ice cream!
We headed to Cooter Browns for dinner and the waitress brought collard greens out to us by mistake. She said we could keep them since she messed up the order. Well Alexis decided she wanted to try them....and she loved them! She ate them up! :) :)
THIS chick cracks me up! She packed her purse FULL to bring to dinner. Well the next thing I know....she is taking a TON of stuff out of said purse...........including this 1980's arm glove thing {or 'glube' as she called it} with her bracelet and rings and this Doc McStuffin's shirt to put on! She wanted me to take a picture of her with what she had put on and of her making a heart with her hands! She is SUPER proud that Alexis taught her how to do that!! :)
We decided to go to the JSU vs UT Martin baseball game after we ate since the season is coming to an end and since it was a beautiful afternoon. We left the game during the 5th inning to head home for baths and bedtime. We got home just in time for the fireflies to appear! I LOVE that it is getting that time that we are going to see all of them lighting up the night sky! The girls were super excited to run around and catch a few! They let them go after catching them and then we headed on in for nice warm baths! :)

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