Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Last school week!

This is the last school before SUMMER break!

Whooo hooo!!

We are counting down the days here at the Law house!

We are ready!

The last MONDAY before Summer break! Whoo hoo!! These two girls are super excited about Summer coming!
Alexis had 'Dirt Day' at school on Monday since everything is winding down. She got super dirty! ha!
And.....held worms! :) She said this one pooped on her and it was green! YUCK! :)
Today was the last Tuesday! :)
I surprised her and had lunch with her and her sweet class! The food was NOT good! I actually decided to get a tray this time and I shouldnt have! The kids though.............love the food! :)
My lunch date today! :) Just a couple more days and this girl will be an official 3rd grader! :) :)

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