Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Perfection on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon!

Absolutely beautiful afternoon, barefoot, Popsicles,  trampoline fun, sippin honeysuckles and an impromptu sprinkler run equals perfection on a Tuesday!

After dinner the girls headed outside since it was the most beautiful afternoon to play their hearts out, eat popsicles, sip honeysuckles and play in the sprinklers! They wore themselves out and had SO much fun!
 Alexis laughed sooooo hard when I showed her this picture of her hair! She thought it was SO funny that it looked the way it did!
 I LOVE picking honeysuckles! I think I have mentioned before on here that some of my fondest Summer memories were picking them and walking to my neighbors trying to sell them out of a big black trash bag!! :)
 I loved how both girls had different 'systems' on how to get their honeysuckles! Lily....well Lily only wanted to pick one at a time...and really only wanted to pick only the white ones and not the yellow ones. So she sat like this pretty much the entire time and picked away as she sucked the white ones! :)
 She wanted me to take a picture of her eating one! hahaha!! {Dont you just LOVE her eyelashes??? OH my!!} :)
 And Alexis.....her 'system' was picking a TON of them ALL at once....didnt matter the color and then sat down and ate them and made one big pile! :)
 On the way back up I told them that they could take off and play in the sprinklers! You would have thought I had four heads the way they looked at me! hahaha! They TOOK off and had a BLAST running around in them! Their laughs and squeals were priceless!!
  Look at these silly faces! They had so much fun!
And...it did exactly what I thought....after warm baths, they hit the sack like rocks! :) :)
Perfection on a Tuesday! :)

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