Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lily's ears & Alexis' awards!

Today marked a busy day!

Lily and I headed to Birmingham for a little 'Mommy & Lily' day because she had her follow up appointment to check her ears and throat since it has been 6 weeks since she had her surgery.

She had a hearing test and passed perfectly!

She did awesome during it!

Dr. Wooley said that the hole in her ear hasnt closed up yet so we do have to go back in 8 weeks to check that and hopefully by then it will be fully healed so they dont have to do any other procedures on her to close up the hole.

We did some shopping and had a fun lunch together before heading home!

It is nice to have individual time with each of them every once in awhile!

I enjoyed today with her!

I got the 'Mom Fail' award with Alexis today though!....

I was not able to change Lily's doctor's appointment so I had to miss Alexis' end of the year program at her school.

She got several awards and I am SUPER proud of her!!

She is ready for her Awards Day! My beautiful ray of sunshine girl!
Lily and I checked out the new Trader Joe's at the Summit and it made me feel like I was a movie star in California since that is where the movie stars shop! :) was just a grocery store! Lily loved the little buggy's!
She had fun in Barnes and Noble. She picked out a book for her...and her sister!
 And.....just a little flash back for you!! Alexis in the same cute dress that Lily wore today! Both girls LOVE this dress! It was money well spent! :) Circa~2012!!
She enjoyed the cut outs and her book while we waited on the doctors and the audiologist!
We LOVE Newk's! Lily at the whole pizza, the whole pack of breadsticks and 3 cups of pickles! She told me that we NEED a Newk's in Jacksonville! ha!
Meanwhile....Alexis at her Awards Day! Her sweet class are ready to get their awards!
She looks so proud and happy! SOO super proud of her!! :)
I hate this picture didnt turn out well!! I am super proud of her! She received the 'Neatest Desk' award {not surprised} and the 'Best Handwriting' award! {her handwriting is better than most adults...and Im not joking!} :)  She received the 'Most Responsible' Award! {I thought that was awesome!!!!} She also received the A and B ribbon award and the 'All A's in Conduct' award! {Super impressed with this one since I have always told her, I dont expect all A's with grades as long as you work hard, but what you can do no matter what is listen, be respectful and do what you are told!} Way to go Alexis! :)

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