Sunday, May 8, 2016

You dont have one!

Today was a beautifully beautiful day to have Mother's Day!

My little family of four headed to Church this morning for a great service and then headed to eat lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Garfredicks after.

I have not been there in a long time and it was good!

After the yummy lunch, we headed home and I have been doing all sorts of things that I just love to do.....

especially on Mother's Day....

clean out the litterbox, sweep, mop, 3 loads of laundry and the dreaded Wal-Mart run!...

The girls and I hit the road and made the Wal-Mart run fun by stopping at Sonic and enjoying a 'fun drink' while we sat out and enjoyed this beautiful day!

I am so thankful to be Alexis and Lily's Mommy and that God's plan allowed me to do it! I struggle sometimes whether I am leading them in the right direction because being a Mommy is not easy! I hope they always know that everything I do {even if it is being 'mean Mommy' {per Lily}} is because I am looking out for them and only have their best intentions in mind! I love them more than they will ever know and I cant wait to watch them grow into beautiful young ladies and watch what God has in store for them in this life!

My little family of four!
This is the best I could do for a 3 person 'selfie!' {We were all supposed to be acting like we were drinking our drinks while acting silly} Alexis didnt want to partake in the acting silly part of the picture! :)
Then Lily wanted to take a picture saying 'Nanna Nanna Boo Boo, we have a 'fun drink' and you dont!' Soooo......this is our 'You dont have one!' picture! :)

We celebrated Mother's Day with Gran and Ben yesterday eating Mexican and then lunch today with Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw eating the buffet here.
Lily was supposed to open her eyes.....even with me saying...Lily, open your eyes.... and she didnt :)
Nan with her two big kiddos!

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