Friday, May 13, 2016

How my Daddy gets a Turkey!

Well....our regular routine is officially winding down because Summer is on its way!

Ballet, Awanas, T-ball.....everything is coming to an end this week.

Im sooooo excited Summer is close! :)

This cracks me up!! Lily has been obsessed to say the least with this Dragon since she got it at the Circus when she was like 2! She was totally upset when it stopped working and ever since Daddy 'fixed' it {put new batteries in it} she has carried it around again....everywhere. I have always thought it was more of a 'boy' toy...but she just loves it and loves how it lights up! Well yesterday she walked into the kitchen with this around it's neck saying she wanted to be fancy today! Apparently the whole time it was a girl! :)
This REALLY cracks me up! Alexis brought home her school journals since the school year is ending so I was going through it reading what all she wrote about in it. WELL...I came upon this entry and BUSTED out laughing! I took it to Tyler and he about died thinking that is how Alexis thinks he gets his turkies!!!! TOOO funny! The first picture is the top portion of the page and the second picture below it is the bottom part of the page! {You may have to click on the picture to make it bigger to read it because it is funny!!}

Today was the annual Vocabulary Parade! Alexis chose 'Dazzle' to be her word this year! She seems to be carrying on the same theme and for sure showing she is all girl because every word she has chosen since Kindergarten has been something along the lines of shimmer...sparkle...shine!...where she wears sparkles and pink and sequins and glitter! :)
And the parade started! She yelled over to me that 'Mommy...the judges LOVED me!' {they get voted on per grade for who has the best costume!} :)
Alexis and her sweet friends...Caroline...Nick and Carmen!
This picture cracks me up because....I hear....'Mrs. Amber, do you know who this is!?'......and it was my new best friend Mister Ben! hahaha! He is sooo funny! :) :)
Carli and Sarai getting ready to go!
There were some VERY creative words and ideas! So neat!
I thought they were super cute! :)

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