Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Lake Winnie end of ballet day!

Talk about how much can you pack into one day....

Well, today was that day!

We got up bright and EARLY and  Alexis and I made it to Kittystone super early to catch the bus


today was field trip day!

It was the most precious thing to hear all the kids on the bus cheering and yelling with excitement when we pulled up to Lake Winnie!

I had never been before and it was a very fun field trip!

We booked it back to Jacksonville after our fun filled day to then head to Oxford for Alexis and Lily's last ballet practice before their recital Saturday!

Lily did have a t-ball game, but just cant fit everything into the same day so we didnt get to make it to her game since ballet was more important tonight since it is recital time! :)

And....whew!! I am tired right now as I type this since we flew home and did school work and baths and now...bedtime! :)
And we are on our way!! They were so good on the bus ride up even with it being a 2 hour trip!
Sweet friends!! :)
Abegail was partnered with us and she was so good and Alexis and her had fun walking around together!
Alexis and her friends rode all the rides...that they were tall enough to ride! They had a blast!
They are growing up way too fast!
Caroline, Sara Kate, Carli and Lex
I love the Antique cars! a second, this will be real life! OOOhhh....time slow down!
This was a perfect view from the air lifts that we rode. It was neat because they went out over the water too! The girls loved riding the swings! They rode them more than once because they loved it so much!
Mrs. Carrie had more fun than the kids did riding all the rides!
Some of the boys joined us to ride some roller coasters! :)
This was the biggest roller coaster! Alexis said after this one....that she wasnt a 'dare devil' anymore and that she didnt want to ride another big roller coaster again! :)
 We hitched a ride with Jody and Ben...and some other we could get back faster! It was a fun filled ride home! This little man......Mister Ben, cracked me up the entire time with his card tricks and jokes!
 Next on the list.....ballet class! The last practice for these sweet ballet girls! :)
Love to see Alexis shining on stage! She is just beautiful up there!!
And then it was Lily's turn for her last class with her friends!
She did awesome up there and just smiled the whole time! I am super proud of her!!

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