Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Back in action!

Whew!!! has been a super busy day!

Summer classes has started this week and each day has been a new group of students starting a different course and oh my, I dont think I actually got to sit in my chair at my desk more than 15 minutes so far this week!

Thank goodness today is Hump Day! :)

Also, today was opening day for the OVC Championship for our JSU girls softball team!

Alexis had her very first dermatologist appointment in Oxford so it worked out perfect that after her appointment, we headed to eat Mexican {of course we cant be in Oxford and not eat at Los Mex!!}before the game started!

Alexis was soooo brave during her visit. She had a broken blood vessel pop up on her cheek so I took her to have it looked at. The doctor checked her over and we determined to have it lasered off.  She was a trooper. They put the 'goo' on her little place and then had all of us wore some 'crazy glasses' per Lily and doc held the laser over it a couple of times and bam! should go away completely! She has a little raised area where it will take a couple of days for it to 'heal' and she will be back to her 'old' self! :) She said it didnt hurt at all and she didnt flinch or cry at all! Super proud of how big she acted!

Then on to the game.....


They played an awesome game with a little bit of a nail biter moment a couple of times thrown in...but all in all, it was a great game!

They are on their way to the next round tomorrow and then hopefully will win it out!!

Look how adorable Lily was this morning before school!! :) :)
 Fun at the game with Dailyn! It was packed there and it was so good to see the turnout and support for the team! I hate that they play an early game tomorrow so we wont be able to go because of work! Wouldnt it be nice if work and school were cancelled so we could go! ha!

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