Saturday, May 14, 2016

Guinness book of world records and end of t-ball season and God, is in control!

Today marked the last t-ball game for Lily this season.

She has really loved playing. I think she has loved hitting the ball and running the bases more than playing the field and getting the ball though. {Even though she is really good at stopping the ball!}

I am so thankful that she had a great season...especially since when Alexis played, she didnt really have a good experience!

Yesterday afternoon Lily had her very last t-ball practice!
They were ready to go! Tyler and I left practice before it was over to have a date night! It cracks me up because Alexis said 'Eeewww.....the word 'date' is yuck!' haha...but we did it was a date! :) The girls spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw while Tyler and I enjoyed dinner and the movie Money Monster with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. It was a great movie!....and date! :)
Game day today! She was DOWN and READY! :)
I just love this picture that Tyler took! Look at the focus!! Look at the turned...perfection of an ankle and look at how she is ready to knock that ball out of the park!

BAM! It is gone!

And look at her little bitty legs! :) :)
She was smiling the whole time!
She has had a great season!! Love her!
Saying good job to the other team for the last time!
Sissy was there supporting her little sister! She is too cool for school! :) Gran also came to her last game as well as Nan and Pawpaw! They didnt keep score....but I have a feeling that the Lil Braves went undefeated this season! :) :)
We came home and cleaned up and turned around and decided to head to Gadsden on a whim since Daddy was heading to Piedmont. They begged for Moe's......and I cant say no to that! :)
Lily was ready to go with all of her babies!
They had about 7 babies back there between both of them. I guess the ones here buckled in were the only ones that they actually cared about because the others were not buckled! :)
Alexis informed me that I was driving around my grandchildren! OH me! :)
I would LOVE to know how many times we have been to Moe's since it has opened! I swear the people working there should know us by name and have a reserved seat for us! :) I think we are going to set the Guinness Book of World Records for sure!
We did some errand running before heading to Germania Springs! It was a perfect day to be outside! There was a guy flying a kite while we were there and the girls.........and I.....all were amazed at how high it was! It was the highest I have ever seen a kite be! It was perfectly perfect windy for a kite flying day!
Nothing better.........sunshine, a popsicle and a ball that is almost as big as you are!
We stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up them both a fun big ball to play with! They were super excited! Lily had a friend there playing so they played the ball together!
I love this picture! They climbed and climbed today! Every time Lily would make it to the top, she would yell over to me saying 'LOOK Mommy, I did it!' :) They both hit the creek and it was COLD to say the least but they had a ball and got soaking wet so I had to pretty much strip them almost naked to get them home!

I wanted to share something that happened while we were at the Park. There is an area that has a wooden train that the girls love to run around and play in. Well, I noticed that Alexis was just standing to the side over by where the areas are that are covered with benches that people usually have birthday parties, reunions, etc at. I didnt think anything of it because she was up on the train and was fine but usually she is running around playing in it instead of just standing there. I also noticed that she seemed like she was looking down too some while she was standing over there.
Well, when I told the girls that it was time to go...they came walking over to me. Well, Alexis was to me first and said that she needed to talk to me. I said okay and she started.

She said 'Mommy, do you see that lady over there smoking?' {I automatically started thinking...what is this about} So, I said 'Yes, the lady over there under the covered area?' and she said yes. She then continues to say 'Well Mommy, I heard her say to that man that God is an a$*hole....' {I immediately started thinking I am going to have to go over there and literally fight her because my daughter just said a cuss word to me that she heard from her and what else is Alexis about to tell me} so I said 'What? She said that?'
And Alexis said....'Yes Mommy, I heard her tell him that and since she said that, I know that word is a bad word and I know that since she said that, that it means that she doesnt go to Church and she doesnt love God so I prayed Mommy, I prayed for her! I prayed that she would never say that again and that she would love God and go to Church!'
{OOOOOOH MY!! is bringing TEARS to my eyes right now as I type this again as it did when she said this to me at the park!} {You remember, I saw her looking down.....well, that must have been when she was praying!} OH MY! :)

 I hugged her soooo tight and I bent down to her and I told her how proud I was of her and that lady needed that prayer right then and that no, she must not go to Church and love God if she said what she did so by her praying for her....that God will hear that and it will help God come into her life and she will hopefully start loving God and go to Heaven!

You talk about something that has just blown me away!

I am one proud Mommy of two awesome little girls!

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