Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Under God's Sea

Tonight we had Lily's end of the year program!

And...it was adorable!

The theme was 'Under God's Sea!'

Lily and all of her little friends did a great job doing all the motions to all of the songs!
This little girl is growing up WAY too fast!
This is how she feels that it is almost summer! :) {And not to mention, this is how she is when trying to get her picture...the girl doesnt stay still!} :)
She LOVED her board that was ALL about her!
All the memories! LOVE! :)
Gran came to watch!
Pawpaw came too!
And Nan!
This is the MOST precious....adorable...picture ever!
Love these sweet girls!
Kylie, Abby Grace, Lily and Callie!
The best of friends!
We are Under God's Sea!
Adorable!! The were just like scuba divers! They had their little 'scuba packs' on their backs that were made out of 2 liters bottles! Super creative!
She did SOOOO awesome up there! And....she is a mess!! :)
So excited for this little group to start Kindergarten next year! Sad Lily wont be with them due to her missing the age cut off {by only a short amount of days} but she will have her 'real' graduation next year and be ready to roll into Kindergarten behind them all!
This picture was when all the age groups came out to sing too. It was sooo cute how the babies were dressed like little sea creatures! Toooo cute! :)

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