Saturday, May 7, 2016

Where does my life begin...ballet recital!

Today was ballet day! :)

It was a busy day but OH so sweet!

I absolutely LOVE watching my girls do their thing on stage!

It makes my heart smile!!

Alexis was awesome today! She was in both the 12 and 4 o'clock performances and she did great! Alexis and I enjoyed some girl shopping and we hit DQ for some yummy ice cream to pass the time in between shows! We had a great 'girls' only day!

So pretty!
Lined up and ready to hit the stage!
Her group did awesome during both shows! Alexis and her ballet friends danced to 'Where does my life begin' which is from Rapunzel!
She amazes me!
amazes me!....
Perfect position with perfectly pointed toes! :)
Lily's turn! OH my.....TOOOO cute!! She danced to the song 'Early birds' hence why they are 'birds!' :)
She has perfect techniques too! :)
Little SASSY thing! :)
Having soooo much fun! Love that smile!
Awards time! Alexis loved getting her ballet award! So proud of Alexis!!...technically this is her 5th year already of dancing! My goodness time has flown! She will get her 5 year award next year here though because she has only been dancing 4 years at Shelia's since her 1st dance year was when we lived in Birmingham! :)
And so did Miss Lily!
I asked Mal to go up and give them their flowers! They were all smiles when they saw her waiting on them!!
Alexis checking out her award!
My girls love these girls! Loved that they came to watch!
Gran and Ben! Nan and Pawpaw came to watch too!
Love my girls!
Nannie came to enjoy the show too of course!
We had a fun Mexican dinner with Gran and Ben after so we had to get a family picture 'beside the pretty wall' per Lily! :)

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