Sunday, May 22, 2016

Swwweeeet Summertime!


It isnt Summertime yet.......

but OH, Im so ready for it!

We are getting sneak peaks of sweet Summertime and OH, Im ready! :)

We have had a beautiful weekend with pooltime, cookouts, slides, swings, popsicles, blue skies, and more!

We had a fun day Saturday yesterday with celebrating birthdays!
First up was Adalee's birthday party! Alexis has been SOOOO excited about her party and has been talking about it since she got the invite! They had so much fun playing and swimming!
Alexis went down the slide about 10,000 times! :)
We came home and got cleaned up and then turned around and headed to the Exum's house to celebrate Mr. Scott's birthday!
The girls were soooo excited to decorate his birthday cupcakes!
To say the cupcakes had a lot of sprinkles on them is an understatement! :) Lily cracked me up because she would be some sprinkles on the cupcakes...........and then also in her mouth! She was eating more than she was decorating! :)
We had a fun night with them and Alexis and Lily love to play with McKenzie! They also had fun feeding their chickens and then after we ate, we all had fun playing the game Guesstures! It was fun!
Today was filled with Church then we had lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before doing some errands and then heading home. These two chicks are just toooo cool for school! :)
This picture cracks me up! For some reason, Lily spotted this little boy {cute little boy...and he seemed to be her age} and literally followed him around and did everything he was doing. At first he was like running from her and kept looking back like....'OH NO, she is still behind me!' Lily thought it was hilarious! If he ran up the slide, she ran up the slide. If he ran and jumped...she ran and jumped. If he went to the swings and swang and then got off and ran...she did it. I was just watching her and prepared to step in and tell her to stop if he started crying or something! haha! Well....he eventually started thinking it was funny and so they played and played. Well, then the next thing I know, they are just sitting up there like they are in this picture and just talked and talked! I couldnt hear what they were saying but I could hear one or the other or both laugh occasionally. At one point, I did hear her tell him that she has a cat named Aubie and that she brings him up to the park with her sometimes! OH ME!! :) :) His Mom was sitting across the way and I know she had to be thinking the same thing I was! You would have thought they have known each other for years and it was just so funny to watch! :)
Before we left, the girls took their toes to the Creek! They LOVE doing this! Alexis said it was warm this time compared to a couple of weeks ago when we came. She said it was freezing then!
Toes in the Creek!
We came home and the girls played outside for awhile and enjoyed popsicles and Tickles before heading in for baths! We received a surprise visit from Nannie and Hogan so we visited with them for a little while before they left.
I would say we had a nice weekend and ready to head in to the last week of school before SUUUUMER break starts! Whoo hooo!!

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