Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wordless Wednesday!

{Words for the wise today! Truth!}

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Drum roll....

NO snow....

So, we had such built up anticipation and BOY, we were READY for the snow!

But, no snow!

Its actually okay, for me, because I am not a fan of freezing cold....and snow and ice so to have a really sunny and averagely cold day WITHOUT work or an A+ for me! :)

So, what did we do on our snow day off?!?

Just about nothing! was glorious!

We lounged {even Daddy!} and just enjoyed being at home!

We ventured out for a McDonalds smoothie and that was just about it!

We caught up on DVRed shows that we haven't had a chance to watch. The girls actually played good together. I caught up on some laundry. Daddy cleaned some guns. We cooked a yummy dinner and just had a good day!

We didnt have to worry with pipes freezing...power going out and all the other things that comes with winter storms! Thank goodness!

So, you know the rule. When you dont hear anything coming from where your kids are located...that usually means you need to quickly check on what is going on! 9 times out of turns out to NOT be a good thing that there was no noise! :)
So, this happened!
I went to check on them......and couldnt find them! :) :)
The had built a pretty big fort!
They spent the rest of the afternoon under this and just talking and playing! I have to say I was impressed and proud of them for working together and playing well too! {Let me add..with NO electronics!} :)
Here they are! Being sweet sisters!

Monday, January 28, 2019

100 days of cuteness and smartness! :)

Today marked 100 days of school!

Lily's 1st grade group dressed up!....

Well, Lily refused!

She said she didnt want to dress up like an 'old Granny' as she wanted to look like how she will really be when she is 100! :)

You get it girl! :)

So, that is what she did!

Look at 'cool old lady' Lily! It flashed to me that she really could look just like this when she is 100! OH my heart! :)
Sassy thing!
Mrs. Harper and 'cool old lady' Lily! haha!
AND.....NOOOOOO school OR work tomorrow! What WHAT!?!?! Yep...THIS, below, says it BEST!
OH, I laughed when I saw this! We shall see what happens! I am just thankful for a day off! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lily's little friend group!

I just love Lily's little friend group! They are all just so adorable and the sweetest!

We celebrated sweet and sassy Caroline with a skate party this afternoon and Lily was super PUMPED! After Church, Daddy and Lex went their own way to enjoy a 'Daddy and Lex' day while Lily and I headed to Gadsden to do our own! I would say we had a better day! :) :) We had lunch together...just the two of us. We chatted and ate then hit some shops. She got a couple treats {dont tell Alexis} :) and then we headed to the party! I love spending one on one time with each girl! Makes my heart full! {Note: I also love spending one on one time with the man of the house too!} :) :)

She skated around that rink like she owned it! Everyone was super impressed and couldnt believe how fast and well she skated! She is a PRO! :)

She had a blast doing her favorites...skating and hanging out with her friends! :)

Callie, Finley and Lily bug!
Sweet kiddos!
Lily had to sit across from the birthday girl! Such a fun afternoon! Lily fell asleep on the ride home because she said her legs were tired! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

3 things!

It is that time again!

3 things!

I love these posts!

So, let me begin!


1. OH this girl! She is growing like a WEED! She has JUST lost her 1st tooth, a couple of weeks ago, and is getting bigger than Alexis! That is correct, her shoe size is bigger than Alexis was at her age and she is in size 7 pants {and Alexis is only in a size 8!} Time slow down!

2. THIS picture of her above....proves she is a mess! She went and got two bags from the produce isle the other night while at the grocery store and tied them together and then put her arms in them {like above} because she was cold! She walked around like this the entire time we were in the store and did NOT care how she looked...or cared that she was getting looks. :) Pretty inventive I should say! There is just never a dull moment with this child!

3. Speaking of never a dull moment, the other day I told her to go to her room and make her bed. Well, about 10 minutes later, I went in her room and her comforter was all wadded up and there were all sorts of items thrown on her bed that didnt belong. So I tell her... 'Lily, I told you to make your bed!' She goes...'I did! I made it messy!' OH me this child of mine!
She is really cleaver and quick with her comebacks! She is not only witty...but super smart! She is excelling in 1st grade and just a joy! Her 1st grade teacher {Mrs. Ramsay} told us at Church {she goes to our Church} last Sunday that Lily is the biggest helper in her class. That she is one of the only students that she can trust to actually listen to her and follow through with a task that is given! That made my heart explode! :)

1. OH, this child! She is blooming into such a strong, determined, self reliant, smart, sassy, beautiful pre-teen. Not going to lie, some days.....Jesus has to take the wheel with her and I because OH boy, her strong and determined self can push me to the edge but my prayer for her is that she continues to have that determination and strong will because it will carry her far in life!

2. She works hard at everything that is put in front of her. Just like the picture above, she keeps trying and working until she figures out whatever she is faced with. She kept trying and look!!...she got a bullseye! She was so proud and excited!

3. Speaking of this picture....she was out in a pasture....shooting guns...but the WHOLE time...she was singing and humming too! :) She is alllllll doubt about it...but, she does have a little bit of tomboy in there too! :)

A bullseye exploding Saturday!

We were low key today. It was a beautiful day with only a slight chill.

Us girls sang 'happy birthday' to Pops this morning. We lounged around and relaxed...just watching the Disney channel until around lunch.

My Dad never liked he hated the 'cold' but today, I think he was looking down from Heaven happy that it was a sunny, not too cold day!

So, we made the most out of it as we headed to the land for a little bit and then hit a new fudge and Frio shop! We enjoyed our Frios and the loaded up with a box full of fudge to finish the rest of the day just enjoying being at home on a Saturday!

I think ole Pops had a big smile on his face today as he celebrated his day as he watched from above. Im sure he got a laugh out of Lily busting that soda can and wanted to give Alexis a high five on hitting the bullseye, not once but TWICE!

I know he is proud!

Happy birthday Dad/Pops. We love you and miss you everyday!

Look at this little one! She looks soooo tiny out there shooting! She loved every minute!
Checking out the shot!
Aiming... and ready to fire! was this one's turn! She was SUPER thrilled when she shot the bullseye right after I took this picture!
Then...the girls did the 'big gun' today too!
And...she got another bullseye!
They LOVED exploding the cans! It is a hit!
She even shot the 'big gun!'............and loved it! Not scared a BIT!
And...he got some rounds in!
And....nothing better than some Frios...and fudge! It was a good day!

Friday, January 25, 2019

A funny story!


this morning was very traumatic to me!

I was just about to grab my purse and head out the door for work when I heard a dog growling and barking really loud in my backyard.

We dont have a dog.

So, since we do not have a dog, I rushed over to see why on Earth a dog was acting the way it was and noticed immediately that it had something trapped in the tree by how he was up on his back legs and barking up.

So, I take off out the door and scare the dog off and see poor...sweet...Tickles really high on a branch!

Scared me to death!

I just love Tickles! I guess it is because how she just 'came' to be with us and just how she is soooo smart and lovable that we have just bonded!

I panicked because she was so high and she was shaking and trying to balance on a little branch!

So, I called Tyler and he said he couldnt come home. I told him to try...and bring a ladder...and he said no...and made me sad because he didnt seem in the least bit concerned about it!

So, finally....Tickles tried to get down {move to a lower branch} and couldnt so she grabbed on to the trunk of the tree and started sliding down the trunk.

I was NOT about to let her fall as I was standing under her like a crazy person calling her and trying to comfort her! ha! So, she lost her grip and I grabbed her!

Poor thing!

I held her and then let her come in! I called Tyler and told him that I put Tickles in his beloved recliner and reclined it back and gave her a blanket to enjoy the rest of the day in his chair! bahaha!


fast forward to this afternoon.

I get a text that I need to come outside my office because Tyler is on TV from some of my co-workers who were heading to a meeting.

I walk out...and snap some pictures and watch him being interviewed!

Well, then he sees me and I walk over as they are finished and the guy is packing up!

And.....I look over to the news guy and say 'OH, is he being interviewed because he saved our cat from falling from a really tall tree this morning? That he is talking about how he climbed that really tall tree and grab her out off the limb?!.....because he is a cat hero?!' I am showing him the picture of Tickles in the tree!

The guy is like...'Oh wow, so you saved your cat as you climbed a tree this morning?!' {As he was getting the hint that I was was hilarious!}

Way toooo funny that it all happened in the same day! I cant wait to watch Tyler on this evenings news as being the 'Cat Hero!' :) :) {Channel News 24} :)

Poor poor Tickles! Im soooo glad she was okay!
OH...and I am having a talk with the neighbor whose dog lives a street over from us! That dog is always roaming the neighborhood and now that he has done this....they are getting a talking to! :)
He is so famous now!
Anybody want his autograph! :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

A MLK cold day!

BOY, today was super cold! We spent most of the day just hanging out at home and watching the Price is Right {for example} and just enjoying our last day before work and school starts back.

The long weekend was much needed!

Then, we needed to exert some energy sooooo we loaded up with the Wagoner boys and spent the afternoon at The Factory followed by dinner and donuts!

Cant beat that! :)

Super COOL! The Blood moon!....or as Thompson called it tonight...The bloody moon! :) It may be decades before this happens again! The Law crew didnt actually get to see it..but this picture is from a friend who lives in Jacksonville that took it! So awesome!
 And today we celebrated MLK day. MLK  spoke some very wise and powerful words during his life. A man to be honored.
 And to top off the last day from our nice and long weekend...we headed to The Factory!
 This little one joined us for the 1st time and OH my goodness he cracked me up the entire time! He has no fear...lives life to the fullest and just smiles and cracks himself up too! :)
For example...on the way to The Factory, I had these two in my car {hence why I would LOVE a car with a 3rd row so we allll could ride together} and one of their conversations went like this 'Liwily {I cant spell how he says her name! It is the cutest!} :) who is your boyfriend?' Lily goes... 'I dont know!' Then he asked it again and then Lily said 'I still dont know!' {bahaha! :)} Well, then he says it again and she goes 'I dont know, I dont think I have one.'
Well, then I chime in and ask him 'T, who is your girlfriend?'
And...boldly and proudly he says 'Mrs. Amber, she is sitting right here!' ha!
OH my goodness! Toooo sweet and funny! 
 They have the sweetest little bond! Thompson heads to St. Jude for the rest of the week to do more testing and Im so thankful we got to enjoy the afternoon with him and let him have fun and play before the rest of the week of not fun tests, etc. Big prayers for this sweet little guy!
 Having a blast!
 My girls love The Factory!
 Racing to the top!
 Swinging like monkeys!
 We headed to Moe's for dinner {not before heading to McDonalds for T because he ONLY likes nuggets and fries...per him!} :)
Then, we HAD to make a stop at Krispy Cream because the HOT NOW sign was shining bright! These two are just so sweet together! I have to say...they are a great balance to each other. She helps him come out of his shell..and when he does, he is so funny and he helps her stay calm! ha! :)
They checked out how the donuts were being made!
 READY for some donuts! :) We finished up and headed home....just in time to hit the bed!
Perfection! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

So....a double day!

Today was a beautiful day. It looked like we could just go out and soak it all up...until the freezing cold hit me! :)

Whew...its a cold day!

We headed to Church and had lunch and then came home and the girls painted! OH they love to paint! Well, Alexis really does! She is in her element! I loved watching her. She blended the colors....she paid such close attention to detail! She is just a natural!

Now....Lily...well, not so much. ha! I just love how both girls are SO different...with every single thing you can think of! Lily got frustrated and just didnt enjoy it as much as Alexis loved it!

But...they both got finished and both paintings were super cute! We cranked up the 'fun' music as they painted and just had the best little time crafting! :)

I snapped a picture of this cutie before Church this morning! Love her!
Double the day! PAINTING! Such deep concentration! This kept them busy for hours!
Sweet big sister helped get the unicorn started! Look at the talent she has!
Getting it going!
Looking great!
LOOK! So adorable!
LOOK.....her cute little unicorn! :)
AND....then, DOUBLE the FUN! So, this happened tonight! As I sit here typing this post, this is happening! Mrs. Missy sent me this picture as they are watching A Dog's Way Home movie in Oxford!
SOOOO adorable and I know they are all having a blast!
Mr. Duff and Mrs. Missy are brave! :) :)
Cant wait to hear alllll about it when they get home! {I am soaking up the quite right now too!} :)
So adorable!
This cracks me up! My girls have never done this before...and apparently neither has the boys! :)
Lily's first Starbucks treat! She came home saying she TRIED to like it! haha! Glad they had so much fun!

So this...this long weekend!


it has been a beautiful but COLD weekend!

We have a loooong weekend! {Hallelujah!!}

So, we have not had a single item 'planned' so we have just soaked up being at home and even though we havent had anything on the radar, we have done some fun things too!

So yesterday, it rained...all day so we just curled and watched movies all day and then cooked dinner and headed to the JSU basketball game! Perfection of a night to enjoy some basketball when its raining and cold outside!

 OF course...Lily was in Heaven when she heard her name being yelled! Sweet Caroline and Molly were so excited to see Lily so we sat with them for a little bit!
 Then we moved over with this crew! Lily was extra sassy in this picture! Showing out with Callie and Abby!
Alexis was toooo busy 'being cool' with Carli, Sara Kate and Willa Kate!
So since both girls were too cool to sit with us...Tyler and I enjoyed a peaceful basketball game with Mrs. Kristi and Mr. Andy and Jackson! :) JSU had a big win and it was fun to watch!