Monday, January 21, 2019

A MLK cold day!

BOY, today was super cold! We spent most of the day just hanging out at home and watching the Price is Right {for example} and just enjoying our last day before work and school starts back.

The long weekend was much needed!

Then, we needed to exert some energy sooooo we loaded up with the Wagoner boys and spent the afternoon at The Factory followed by dinner and donuts!

Cant beat that! :)

Super COOL! The Blood moon!....or as Thompson called it tonight...The bloody moon! :) It may be decades before this happens again! The Law crew didnt actually get to see it..but this picture is from a friend who lives in Jacksonville that took it! So awesome!
 And today we celebrated MLK day. MLK  spoke some very wise and powerful words during his life. A man to be honored.
 And to top off the last day from our nice and long weekend...we headed to The Factory!
 This little one joined us for the 1st time and OH my goodness he cracked me up the entire time! He has no fear...lives life to the fullest and just smiles and cracks himself up too! :)
For example...on the way to The Factory, I had these two in my car {hence why I would LOVE a car with a 3rd row so we allll could ride together} and one of their conversations went like this 'Liwily {I cant spell how he says her name! It is the cutest!} :) who is your boyfriend?' Lily goes... 'I dont know!' Then he asked it again and then Lily said 'I still dont know!' {bahaha! :)} Well, then he says it again and she goes 'I dont know, I dont think I have one.'
Well, then I chime in and ask him 'T, who is your girlfriend?'
And...boldly and proudly he says 'Mrs. Amber, she is sitting right here!' ha!
OH my goodness! Toooo sweet and funny! 
 They have the sweetest little bond! Thompson heads to St. Jude for the rest of the week to do more testing and Im so thankful we got to enjoy the afternoon with him and let him have fun and play before the rest of the week of not fun tests, etc. Big prayers for this sweet little guy!
 Having a blast!
 My girls love The Factory!
 Racing to the top!
 Swinging like monkeys!
 We headed to Moe's for dinner {not before heading to McDonalds for T because he ONLY likes nuggets and fries...per him!} :)
Then, we HAD to make a stop at Krispy Cream because the HOT NOW sign was shining bright! These two are just so sweet together! I have to say...they are a great balance to each other. She helps him come out of his shell..and when he does, he is so funny and he helps her stay calm! ha! :)
They checked out how the donuts were being made!
 READY for some donuts! :) We finished up and headed home....just in time to hit the bed!
Perfection! :)

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