Friday, January 25, 2019

A funny story!


this morning was very traumatic to me!

I was just about to grab my purse and head out the door for work when I heard a dog growling and barking really loud in my backyard.

We dont have a dog.

So, since we do not have a dog, I rushed over to see why on Earth a dog was acting the way it was and noticed immediately that it had something trapped in the tree by how he was up on his back legs and barking up.

So, I take off out the door and scare the dog off and see poor...sweet...Tickles really high on a branch!

Scared me to death!

I just love Tickles! I guess it is because how she just 'came' to be with us and just how she is soooo smart and lovable that we have just bonded!

I panicked because she was so high and she was shaking and trying to balance on a little branch!

So, I called Tyler and he said he couldnt come home. I told him to try...and bring a ladder...and he said no...and made me sad because he didnt seem in the least bit concerned about it!

So, finally....Tickles tried to get down {move to a lower branch} and couldnt so she grabbed on to the trunk of the tree and started sliding down the trunk.

I was NOT about to let her fall as I was standing under her like a crazy person calling her and trying to comfort her! ha! So, she lost her grip and I grabbed her!

Poor thing!

I held her and then let her come in! I called Tyler and told him that I put Tickles in his beloved recliner and reclined it back and gave her a blanket to enjoy the rest of the day in his chair! bahaha!


fast forward to this afternoon.

I get a text that I need to come outside my office because Tyler is on TV from some of my co-workers who were heading to a meeting.

I walk out...and snap some pictures and watch him being interviewed!

Well, then he sees me and I walk over as they are finished and the guy is packing up!

And.....I look over to the news guy and say 'OH, is he being interviewed because he saved our cat from falling from a really tall tree this morning? That he is talking about how he climbed that really tall tree and grab her out off the limb?!.....because he is a cat hero?!' I am showing him the picture of Tickles in the tree!

The guy is like...'Oh wow, so you saved your cat as you climbed a tree this morning?!' {As he was getting the hint that I was was hilarious!}

Way toooo funny that it all happened in the same day! I cant wait to watch Tyler on this evenings news as being the 'Cat Hero!' :) :) {Channel News 24} :)

Poor poor Tickles! Im soooo glad she was okay!
OH...and I am having a talk with the neighbor whose dog lives a street over from us! That dog is always roaming the neighborhood and now that he has done this....they are getting a talking to! :)
He is so famous now!
Anybody want his autograph! :)

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