Sunday, January 20, 2019

So....a double day!

Today was a beautiful day. It looked like we could just go out and soak it all up...until the freezing cold hit me! :)

Whew...its a cold day!

We headed to Church and had lunch and then came home and the girls painted! OH they love to paint! Well, Alexis really does! She is in her element! I loved watching her. She blended the colors....she paid such close attention to detail! She is just a natural!

Now....Lily...well, not so much. ha! I just love how both girls are SO different...with every single thing you can think of! Lily got frustrated and just didnt enjoy it as much as Alexis loved it!

But...they both got finished and both paintings were super cute! We cranked up the 'fun' music as they painted and just had the best little time crafting! :)

I snapped a picture of this cutie before Church this morning! Love her!
Double the day! PAINTING! Such deep concentration! This kept them busy for hours!
Sweet big sister helped get the unicorn started! Look at the talent she has!
Getting it going!
Looking great!
LOOK! So adorable!
LOOK.....her cute little unicorn! :)
AND....then, DOUBLE the FUN! So, this happened tonight! As I sit here typing this post, this is happening! Mrs. Missy sent me this picture as they are watching A Dog's Way Home movie in Oxford!
SOOOO adorable and I know they are all having a blast!
Mr. Duff and Mrs. Missy are brave! :) :)
Cant wait to hear alllll about it when they get home! {I am soaking up the quite right now too!} :)
So adorable!
This cracks me up! My girls have never done this before...and apparently neither has the boys! :)
Lily's first Starbucks treat! She came home saying she TRIED to like it! haha! Glad they had so much fun!

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