Sunday, January 13, 2019

1st grade beauty!

We had a FULL day yesterday!


We started out early to get their hair done.....and didnt stop until about 6:30 that night!

Lily did SO good despite the fact that the MC called her the WRONG name!

I am just thankful that Lily didnt look over at her and say something like 'Thats not my name...who is 'Lilliauna?!?!' Instead, she kept on keeping on! One funny moment, at the center 'X', she forgot to turn..well, she remembered and went back to it...did her turn and then went back over to the next 'X.'

Ready to go! She was a trooper! She was in that chair for a good little while!
Ready to shine!
Just stunning! She was number 7 out of 11! Both Alexis and Lily had a lot of girls in their groups! {Made me a nervous wreck but THEY....weren't phased at ALL! They were not nervous....nothing! They were just having fun and loved being with all their friends, putting on make-up, curling their hair, wearing their princess dresses and shining on stage!} :) :)
This little one! She makes my heart explode!
All the curls! Curls for days....literally! :) Literally, it took extra scrubbing to get it all out! :)
Sweet friends waiting to go on stage!
Lily, Ella and Heidi
Sweet Madelyn wanted to come and support! She even brought both Alexis and Lily flowers...that she bought with her own money!
My sweet girl and I!
Look at her up there!
Just beautiful!
Introducing Lillian Grace Law....1st Grade Beauty!
OH, I love her! She just shines!
Big sister was so excited for her little sister!
It was then Alexis' turn next to see how well she did!
1st Grade Beauty!
THEN..probably her most favorite part of the day and night {because the ENTIRE day...she kept begging and talking about how she was soooooooooo excited about spending the night with Abby} she did this! Talk about pumped! Two beauties spending the night with a head full of hairspray and curls! :) :)

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