Saturday, January 26, 2019

3 things!

It is that time again!

3 things!

I love these posts!

So, let me begin!


1. OH this girl! She is growing like a WEED! She has JUST lost her 1st tooth, a couple of weeks ago, and is getting bigger than Alexis! That is correct, her shoe size is bigger than Alexis was at her age and she is in size 7 pants {and Alexis is only in a size 8!} Time slow down!

2. THIS picture of her above....proves she is a mess! She went and got two bags from the produce isle the other night while at the grocery store and tied them together and then put her arms in them {like above} because she was cold! She walked around like this the entire time we were in the store and did NOT care how she looked...or cared that she was getting looks. :) Pretty inventive I should say! There is just never a dull moment with this child!

3. Speaking of never a dull moment, the other day I told her to go to her room and make her bed. Well, about 10 minutes later, I went in her room and her comforter was all wadded up and there were all sorts of items thrown on her bed that didnt belong. So I tell her... 'Lily, I told you to make your bed!' She goes...'I did! I made it messy!' OH me this child of mine!
She is really cleaver and quick with her comebacks! She is not only witty...but super smart! She is excelling in 1st grade and just a joy! Her 1st grade teacher {Mrs. Ramsay} told us at Church {she goes to our Church} last Sunday that Lily is the biggest helper in her class. That she is one of the only students that she can trust to actually listen to her and follow through with a task that is given! That made my heart explode! :)

1. OH, this child! She is blooming into such a strong, determined, self reliant, smart, sassy, beautiful pre-teen. Not going to lie, some days.....Jesus has to take the wheel with her and I because OH boy, her strong and determined self can push me to the edge but my prayer for her is that she continues to have that determination and strong will because it will carry her far in life!

2. She works hard at everything that is put in front of her. Just like the picture above, she keeps trying and working until she figures out whatever she is faced with. She kept trying and look!!...she got a bullseye! She was so proud and excited!

3. Speaking of this picture....she was out in a pasture....shooting guns...but the WHOLE time...she was singing and humming too! :) She is alllllll doubt about it...but, she does have a little bit of tomboy in there too! :)

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