Saturday, January 26, 2019

A bullseye exploding Saturday!

We were low key today. It was a beautiful day with only a slight chill.

Us girls sang 'happy birthday' to Pops this morning. We lounged around and relaxed...just watching the Disney channel until around lunch.

My Dad never liked he hated the 'cold' but today, I think he was looking down from Heaven happy that it was a sunny, not too cold day!

So, we made the most out of it as we headed to the land for a little bit and then hit a new fudge and Frio shop! We enjoyed our Frios and the loaded up with a box full of fudge to finish the rest of the day just enjoying being at home on a Saturday!

I think ole Pops had a big smile on his face today as he celebrated his day as he watched from above. Im sure he got a laugh out of Lily busting that soda can and wanted to give Alexis a high five on hitting the bullseye, not once but TWICE!

I know he is proud!

Happy birthday Dad/Pops. We love you and miss you everyday!

Look at this little one! She looks soooo tiny out there shooting! She loved every minute!
Checking out the shot!
Aiming... and ready to fire! was this one's turn! She was SUPER thrilled when she shot the bullseye right after I took this picture!
Then...the girls did the 'big gun' today too!
And...she got another bullseye!
They LOVED exploding the cans! It is a hit!
She even shot the 'big gun!'............and loved it! Not scared a BIT!
And...he got some rounds in!
And....nothing better than some Frios...and fudge! It was a good day!

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