Sunday, January 13, 2019

Back at it!

So, school seemed to finally be back in session!

I was SO ready for the girls to get back into the groove of 'real' life....and the girls,both, seemed to be ready to get back to school too! They do actually like school! {Which Im so thankful for!}

So, back to school it has been...back to structure...back to dance and back at it all! :)

Day 1....Wednesday, back in the groove! Do you notice anything in this picture?!?!
What is hilarious in this picture!?....they BOTH have Nutella still on their faces! :) :) I took the picture and then noticed that it was all over them so they headed to wash it off! So, yeah, 1st day back was a little harder to get going! :)
Thursday...they got up and going a little more smoothly! No Nutella this day and bigger smiles too! :) For it to be day 2, I count that as a huge win!
Ballet and Jazz started back this night also! This little one loves ballet!
And...FRIDAY! They made it to the end of the week! They both had to be drug out of bed this day....but I cant say much, I had to drag myself too! :) :) But, the weekend was coming and we survived...that's what counts!
Alexis came home.......................with ALLLLLL A's!
A Honor roll for this chick!
She was super excited! If you notice, she has alllll A's on there with just 1 {really high} B so far in her 5th grade year!
Super proud of her!
Also, Lily had a great report card too! All 'S's'
she got Eagle of the Month! So proud of them both at how they are not only beautiful on the inside, but on the outside too! They work hard and strive to be the best they can be....and lets not forget....they are social butterflies too, and love to talk and 'hang' out with their friends! :)

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