Monday, January 28, 2019

100 days of cuteness and smartness! :)

Today marked 100 days of school!

Lily's 1st grade group dressed up!....

Well, Lily refused!

She said she didnt want to dress up like an 'old Granny' as she wanted to look like how she will really be when she is 100! :)

You get it girl! :)

So, that is what she did!

Look at 'cool old lady' Lily! It flashed to me that she really could look just like this when she is 100! OH my heart! :)
Sassy thing!
Mrs. Harper and 'cool old lady' Lily! haha!
AND.....NOOOOOO school OR work tomorrow! What WHAT!?!?! Yep...THIS, below, says it BEST!
OH, I laughed when I saw this! We shall see what happens! I am just thankful for a day off! :)

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