Sunday, January 13, 2019

Itty bitty 1st tooth gone!


Lily lost her very 1st tooth Friday night!

She has been dying to loose a tooth for months! She has had one pretty 'wiggly' for a couple of weeks and has had her fingers in her mouth trying to wiggle it ever since!

So, Friday night, we had the girl's pageant rehearsals. Lily's was first. So, we finished it up and headed to Taco Bell to grab dinner, quickly, since we had to be right back for Alexis' rehearsal. What is funny{now} that as we are eating, Lily asks me 'Mommy, can people be in the pageant if they have no teeth?' Well, she knew the answer to I think she was realizing that her tooth was super close to falling out. :)

Well, all of a sudden, Lily starts busting out crying and then running to the bathroom! I have no idea what she is doing but before I could even get midway to the bathroom, she was already running back to me with a paper towel in her hand by her mouth.

So, I get her and ask her what's wrong and then I see that her tooth is bleeding.

Well, she doesnt let me touch it. Then she lets me try...2 times...and I cant get it. She tells me 'Mommy, my taco did it!' {bahahaha!} :)

So, {because I know that we dont have much longer until we have to be back to Alexis' rehearsal} I think quickly and ask her if Mrs. Harper can touch it and pull it?

She agrees and says 'Mrs. Harper wont pull it if it is not ready!' {Well it was it was really ready!}

So I put Jill Harper on speed dial {She is a 1st grade teacher and was Alexis' 1st grade teacher. She holds a record for how many teeth she has pulled in that school! For real, she is a pro at it!} :)

Jill just so happened to be at the High school watching the JHS basketball game so we rush back there and SURE thing...

Mrs. Harper pulls her tooth right there in the parking lot! :)

Lily didnt even know it happened as she had that tooth out on the 1st try! No pain...less than 5 minutes {FLAT} we were done! :)

Lily cracked me up she was just in shock of it all! :) :)

So, we rush back to Alexis' rehearsal to cap off the night!

When we got home, Lily put her tooth in her 'special tooth bag' and made sure to put it under her pillow!

She then asks me... 'Mommy, what do I do with my tongue?!' 'I dont know what to do with it now!' :)

Such a fun and special memory!

Tooth is still in there!
Lily didnt even know....Mrs. Harper already had it out! :)
Whoo hooo! She just didnt know what to think....she lost a tooth!
She has a hole now! :)
She couldnt wait to get home and put it in!
She was just beaming! So happy!
And...the Tooth Fairy brought her a 5!

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