Sunday, January 6, 2019

Thank you!

Thank you, Lord, for finally allowing us to have sunshine and a beautiful and perfection of a day!

It has seems since we have had a decent day without rain and with sunshine!

It has just rained and rained and rained and MORE rain for months!

So, today.....

we soaked up every DROP of sunshine!

So, this was my view for lunch! Cant beat this!
This was my view too! We had a picnic on the back of Daddy's truck...on this beautiful day...parked by the creek!....and the cows! :)
OHHHH....sunshine...we HAVE MISSED you!
This little one soaked up the beautiful day!
And...she shot for the 1st time too! Daddy helped her! :)
She did good! She signed her name by each of her shots! :)
This one shot too! They didnt want to take turns to shoot...they both kept begging to keep shooting!
She signed her name too! And.....super excited! She was sooooo close to the bullseye! :) :)
Then....Daddy shook up a ginger ale.....and they took turns busting it! OH my....we all loooved this! Guess who busted it first!?!?!.....


She sure DID! You should have seen her face when that can exploded! It was her second shot at trying to hit it!

Then..Alexis took her second shot...and it EXPLODED even more! They were amazed! :)
Then....Lily drove us home! :) :)
So, we came home...for a little bit...and then loaded up again.....and took this crew to the track to have more fun in the sun!
Abby and Lily zoomed around!
'Big' Lily and Lex rode and rode!
She is super fast! :)
The three amigos having fun!
A little soccer for these two also!
Having fun!
And...they all played some more before heading to McDonalds for a smoothie...and then over to Hope and Lily's house to play in the yard to cap off the afternoon!
Emily and I ran 2 1/2 miles around the neighborhood and called it a day once the skies started getting darker!
What a perfection of a day!

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