Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lily's little friend group!

I just love Lily's little friend group! They are all just so adorable and the sweetest!

We celebrated sweet and sassy Caroline with a skate party this afternoon and Lily was super PUMPED! After Church, Daddy and Lex went their own way to enjoy a 'Daddy and Lex' day while Lily and I headed to Gadsden to do our own! I would say we had a better day! :) :) We had lunch together...just the two of us. We chatted and ate then hit some shops. She got a couple treats {dont tell Alexis} :) and then we headed to the party! I love spending one on one time with each girl! Makes my heart full! {Note: I also love spending one on one time with the man of the house too!} :) :)

She skated around that rink like she owned it! Everyone was super impressed and couldnt believe how fast and well she skated! She is a PRO! :)

She had a blast doing her favorites...skating and hanging out with her friends! :)

Callie, Finley and Lily bug!
Sweet kiddos!
Lily had to sit across from the birthday girl! Such a fun afternoon! Lily fell asleep on the ride home because she said her legs were tired! :)

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