Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Drum roll....

NO snow....

So, we had such built up anticipation and BOY, we were READY for the snow!

But, no snow!

Its actually okay, for me, because I am not a fan of freezing cold....and snow and ice so to have a really sunny and averagely cold day WITHOUT work or school.....is an A+ for me! :)

So, what did we do on our snow day off?!?

Just about nothing! And....it was glorious!

We lounged {even Daddy!} and just enjoyed being at home!

We ventured out for a McDonalds smoothie and that was just about it!

We caught up on DVRed shows that we haven't had a chance to watch. The girls actually played good together. I caught up on some laundry. Daddy cleaned some guns. We cooked a yummy dinner and just had a good day!

We didnt have to worry with pipes freezing...power going out and all the other things that comes with winter storms! Thank goodness!

So, you know the rule. When you dont hear anything coming from where your kids are located...that usually means you need to quickly check on what is going on! 9 times out of 10...it turns out to NOT be a good thing that there was no noise! :)
So, this happened!
I went to check on them......and couldnt find them! :) :)
The had built a pretty big fort!
They spent the rest of the afternoon under this and just talking and playing! I have to say I was impressed and proud of them for working together and playing well too! {Let me add..with NO electronics!} :)
Here they are! Being sweet sisters!

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