Saturday, January 5, 2019

Its been awhile!

I know....I know...


wondering if I have given up on blogging?!

Need not worry....

as I have just been getting back into the groove with work....

and wondering WHEN these kids will be back to school!?! :)

Whew, Im ready to ship them back to school! ha! :) They are ready just has been a long 'after' Christmas break than I feel we have ever had...

I would much rather have a longer break before Christmas than after! Like just with my Christmas decorations...I love to get them out early but when its over...its over...pack it up and lets get back to normal.

We have not gotten back to normal yet around here....and Im ready! :)

So, what have we been up to?

A whole bunch of nothing...really! Just Tyler and I getting back in the groove, Alexis and Lily hanging out with Gran, Ben, Aunt Pam, Richard, Nan and Pawpaw!

We have just been relaxing...trying to put our house together from Christmas and getting our cabinets and fireplace mantel painted and just laying low!

These two have been doing a whole lot of this! Lex is super proud and loves her new 'redesigned' they have been 'hanging out' and watching movies, etc as the final days have been coming from the break!
Today we celebrated sweet Camille's birthday and this crew had fun playing!
Sweet Camille! My two exerted a lot of energy....and we came home and just curled up the rest of the afternoon! A great day! :)

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