Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wordless on a Thursday!

Im trying to recover from a great loooong back in work mode so totally skipped over 'Wordless Wednesday', today it is!

I thought this was very fitting due to the fact that it is now Summer! ha!

Monday, May 27, 2019

A looonng and much needed weekend away!

We had the best weekend!

Going on trips with friends!.....LOVE!

We headed to our most favorite place...and took some fun people with us!

These two played and played and played....and played some more!
My view! Can NOT beat it!
She thinks she is way tooo grown...for her own good! :)
These two having fun!
They all cleaned up well!
Love this picture!
Dinner at Acre! So yummy!...and we took alllll these faces to a fancy restaurant and we survived!! ha! They were so good and we all enjoyed it! We had a blast bowling with everyone! cap the night off, dessert!
Day 2! Up and ready to hit the pool!
They did everything under the sun! {Literally!} :) :)
4 peas in a pod!
Girl talk time while relaxing! was hula hooping time! Both Alexis and Lily won! They got a Chic-fila gift card and were super pumped!
Then Lily asked me to take a picture of her doing her handstand!
Once pool day 2 was complete, we cleaned up and headed to Niffers to eat and then Surge to jump! The Messers headed home and the Rays stayed at the resort so we did our 'rounds' before heading back to enjoy the night by the pool!
A beautiful afternoon! Trying to get them allll to look and smile at the same time! Not happening! :)
Having fun!
The love for balloons! :)
And...then day 3! Ready to GO!
We swam for awhile since we had a late check-out then headed to a late lunch before heading home!
They used their gift cards they won before we left and after we at lunch at Newks! SUCH a fun weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

They MADE it and fun with friends!

They MADE it!

LAST day of school!

Whoooo hoooo!

Got report cards and ALL A's for both girls too!

So, I loaded up a big group of girls and after the half day of school...they spent the rest of the afternoon playing and having a great 1st Summer day!

Baja with all these girls! They were sooo excited to be together and having lunch!
The 'big' girls! I cant wait until they graduate and have this picture out from 'way back when!' :)
Look at them now! Growing up!
 AND...remember this GEM of a picture!?! Yep..back from 2017! ha!
 And...this was our 1st...YAY!!...School's out, Summer party! :)
 And...the 'littles!' Cant wait to use this picture too!
And then the 'littles' got a tree picture! bahaha! Lily's face! She was freaking out because of the 'slugs' that were at the bottom part of the tree! Like freaking out! I cant wait to re-create this picture in the future too! bahaha! {we were alllll looking at Lily like what is wrong with you!} Priceless!

LAST day of 1st and 5th grade!


This year has flown by!

Alexis and Lily have had a great year! They have just grown so much with their learning and it has been sooooo great to see!

Their teachers have been wonderful and my girls just love them!

But, I have to say!.........HERE'S to Summer! :)

LOOK how little she was! OH my she has changed soooo much in a year!
She is just growing into the sweetest {both inside and out} lady!
Alexis has just blossomed!
And, now! Wow, she has changed so much too!
Two girls that were ready to conquer a new school year!
And.that they did! So proud of them!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Lily's golden day!

Today was Lily's awards day and OH boy did she shine!

She got a ton of awards and did several cute songs during it!

On top of it all, she is super pumped to be called a 2nd grader now! ha!

A quick snap of her last Monday of 1st grade!
A quick snap of her last Tuesday of 1st grade!!
And, today! LOOK at this face! This is 100% her 'I do NOT want to take a picture but you are telling me to smile so okay!' face! :)
And LOOK at allll those awards! Perfect conduct! Golden Eagle award {she was SO excited to get to wear her 'gold' shirt to symbolize her getting the Golden Eagle award for  how many books she read this year!
I remember, Alexis got the same Golden Eagle award in 1st grade and was sooo proud and excited like Lily! :)
And she got Eagle of the Month award too! So proud of her!
Then...she finally smiled a happy smile to me! :) time!
They allll were sooo adorable!
Being recognized!
Then...the best part of the night was the POOL party at Hope's house! Notice...Lily could NOT take her eyes off the pool to snap a picture! ha! :)
Here is a better picture! ha! They had to turn away from the pool! :)
All the girls! Alexis was bummed she didnt go. She had a tooth pulled to gear up for phase 2 of braces and she just didnt feel up to swimming! Lily had a blast though!

Wordless Wednesday!

Today I have two 'Wordless Wednesday' pictures that I just love!

The 1st one is from SWEET Collins! She is only 3 and I just adore her!....and her family!

And, her Mom sent me this picture where she wrote my name on the sidewalk in chalk and wanted me to see it!

Who cares that there is no 'b!' To me, the 'b' in my name is silent anyways! ha! :)

This picture made my day!

And the other one! most favorite animal on this planet! {I love Aubie!...but I just love Tickles!} :)

She climbs up on our water fountain and just sips the water! Then she'll lay by it. Then she'll sip some more. Then she'll decide to walk around to the other side of it and lay down! Then she'll put her paw in it...and so on!

It is the funniest thing to me because cats usually hate water! She must think she is a bird in the mornings as that is the only time I really see her doing it! :)

She was walking around to the other side when I snapped the picture after she had decided laying down on the side she was on was done! ha!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lex's day and she's my twin!

Today was Alexis' Awards day!

She has done SO awesome this year and I am soooo proud of her! She was frustrated that she didnt get the all A's award as her only B for the whole year was an 88!

Even with that, A &B with Honors award, Best handwriting award goes to Alexis! Great job!

She also had the lead speaking part to at the program today!

Dressed and ready for her day!
She speaks so well in front of large crowds! Not nervous at all!
Got a smile out of her!
Alexis has a huge class!
The middle section!
And then the other end of her class! Sweet kiddos!
Getting her awards!
My girl!
Sweet friends!
And...kind of creepy for sure...but LOOK! OH my goodness, this Snapchat....I turned into a little Alexis! When it changed my face...I just could NOT get over how much I saw Alexis! WOW! :)
Lily's day is tomorrow! Cant wait to see her shine!