Sunday, May 12, 2019

These two!

These two who made me a Mommy!

I am so thankful and blessed that God chose me to be their Mommy!

Being a Mom is HARD work! It is the most stressful, worrisome, tough, fulfilling, humbling, proud, gut wrenching happy, and more all rolled into one big ball of chaos sometimes! ha!

Our days may seem long but the years fly by and each and every day that I get to see them grow just makes my heart so happy!

I have many prayers for my two girls that they grow into the beautifully hearted, kind, ladies that has God pour through them! I pray for their future husbands, their future kids, their future happiness and lives. Being a Mom is hard. Sometimes not feeling like I know the best way to handle a situation with them when they are sad...or in trouble...but relaying on God to help guide me and know that I am trying my hardest! But, seeing them achieve their goals and seeing them love doing activities they love and seeing the smiles on their faces, helps me think I am doing something right...sometimes!

Being their Mom is my greatest achievement and I am so thankful!

My two girls! I love them more than all the fish in the sea!
All the goodies Lily made me! She worked so hard on all of them! I loved one of the most where she said...I am 4 feet tall....and weigh 88 pounds! ha! {Now, that's funny!}
And Lex made me and ABC book! Each letter had something about why I am the best Mom....or something great about me. It was really thoughtful and sweet!
We had a great day! We had a great Church service at our Church and then had lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before coming home and curling up for a Sunday afternoon nap while it rained and relaxed to gear up for a new work week!

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