Saturday, May 4, 2019

Soccer captian and picture day!

Lily's pictures have been put off for four times now! BUT, this morning, we finally got some even though it rained again!

Our very own soccer star!
BIG number 2!
Love this soccer girl!
She was over pictures! Ugh! :)
Team England 2019. This isnt the whole team...but ya know, you get what you get when its time to take them! Lily loves Coach Aimee and her team!
She was captain today!
She is such a 'go getter!' They tied today 1-1!
Lily cracks me up 'blocking' the other team! :)
She always plays so hard! I didnt get many pictures because it started raining so I just put my camera up. We came home and just soaked up being lazy! We all just curled up and had a nice and relaxing afternoon at home! Perfection!

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