Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Golden Eagle growing TALL!

It's that time again...

BOTH girls...

get SO hyped about this day!

They stand tall. They basically dont breathe. Not a muscle is moved so they can ensure that Daddy gets the exact measurement because...

they BOTH want to be the one who has grown the most since the last time!

So, this time...

Alexis actually grew the most! For like the past 4 times, it has been Lily!

But, Alexis actually grew more than Lily this time and to say Alexis was thrilled is an understatement!

Lily was SOOOOO excited to bring home her GOLDEN EAGLE necklace! She is SO excited to have made Golden Eagle! She got this from her reading level and how many high passing grades she has made on her book reading tests! I am SO SUPER proud of her achievement!
So, tonight...the NIGHT!
Look at that intense FOCUS as her Daddy measured!
Signing her name! She is already 4 foot 8 inches! WHAT!?!?! You should have seen her face beaming when that measurement was written!
Lily's turn! OHHH....the nerves! bahaha!
And...verdict in! Signing her name! She has grown too! 4 feet already! WOW!
They are just growing and growing...and growing! Time needs to slow down!

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