Thursday, May 23, 2019

They MADE it and fun with friends!

They MADE it!

LAST day of school!

Whoooo hoooo!

Got report cards and ALL A's for both girls too!

So, I loaded up a big group of girls and after the half day of school...they spent the rest of the afternoon playing and having a great 1st Summer day!

Baja with all these girls! They were sooo excited to be together and having lunch!
The 'big' girls! I cant wait until they graduate and have this picture out from 'way back when!' :)
Look at them now! Growing up!
 AND...remember this GEM of a picture!?! Yep..back from 2017! ha!
 And...this was our 1st...YAY!!...School's out, Summer party! :)
 And...the 'littles!' Cant wait to use this picture too!
And then the 'littles' got a tree picture! bahaha! Lily's face! She was freaking out because of the 'slugs' that were at the bottom part of the tree! Like freaking out! I cant wait to re-create this picture in the future too! bahaha! {we were alllll looking at Lily like what is wrong with you!} Priceless!

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