Saturday, May 4, 2019

This and that lately!

I have a little assortment of 'what we have been up to lately' randomness that I thought I would share for memories sake!

LOOK at that focus and concentration! Tyler decided on us having a black splash in the kitchen! Whoop whoop! He has been working so hard on it and doing it all by himself!
And...oh, I am loving it! He is such a handyman!
Earlier in the week....we got this little one to liking honeysuckles!
Well, her Mommy sent me this picture 3 days later {when we were not home} of Collins just 'having to come to Mrs. Amber's, Lily's and Alexis' house to pick her some honeysuckles!' Sweet picture...and sweet baby!
Mean Mommy, though, because Kristi texted me that she let her pick alot but only let her eat 2! WHAT?!? Good thing I wasnt home! :)
Alexis and I supported SP and watched his team play against Heflin. We didnt stay the whole game because games are slow and long...{or maybe it was just this one. Who knows} So, we left after like the 4th. They were loosing when we left but it was fun to see SP in action.
Sweet boy. He kept looking over....every.single.time. at Alexis to see if she was watching him. :)

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