Friday, May 17, 2019

Field day and weekly fun!

We are winding down 1st and 5th grade here at the Law home!

The girls are counting down the minutes!

They both were SUPER excited about having field day today! Field day was loaded with tons of games, snow cones, jumpy houses, friends, laughter and more! A perfect day to wrap up the last week of school!

The girls also wrapped up Wednesday night Church as the Summer is approaching. Wednesday they had dinner and a huge ice cream party to celebrate!

I am loving that life is slowing down, some, as school, dance, soccer, Church, etc are wrapping up! That MUST mean Summer is coming! Whoo hoo!

I got this sweet picture the other day of Miss Kennedy! She is just growing soooo fast! Lily wore this sweet dress and now she gets to enjoy it! My day was made!
And...thanks to Snapchat!....I got a new hairdo! :)
 Such a fun afternoon! The REC center's outdoor pool opened and they had fun give-aways, snow cones, etc so we had to snap a picture! I know two girls that are going to be super excited to swim here this Summer! WHOO HOO!

I just had to snap a picture of Lily on I just thought she looked adorable for school! :)! GOOOOO Team Green! :)
 And, I got this picture of Lily having fun from a sweet friend! I am so thankful I have sweet people that look out for my girls when I am not around!
 And...GOOOO Team Red!
I heard my phone ding...and it was a friend sending me a picture of Lex enjoying her snow cone during Field day today!

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