Sunday, May 5, 2019

Get your lemonade and honeysuckles on Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

We dont normally celebrate Cinco de Mayo...but today we actually did!

We started out by Church, lunch, not one but 4 trips to the grocery store {long story}, a lemonade and honeysuckle sale, trampoline fun, baseball game in the yard, and then tacos and fun at the Messers!

It was a great Sunday!

These two worked super hard on their posters!
Getting them ready! Oh my goodness they were cracking me UP with what they wanted to put on their posters..and what they wanted to charge people! For example, Lily said $5.00 for a cup! {Yeah, I shot that down!} :) Then, Alexis decided they should only fill the cups halfway and charge one amount and then fill it full and charge a higher amount. {Yeah, shot that down too!} Goodness! :)
Making and mixing the lemonade!
Set up and ready to start making some money!
Lily and her sign....on her side of the table...with her cups {that were counted out the same amount as Alexis} and her cup to put her cash in!
And then Alexis.....with the same exact items on her side! :)
And, there are the honeysuckles!...................ready to be sold! :)
Their very 1st customers of the day! They were super pumped! Now, you see Hope on the left. Yeah...technically she was the 1st {as you can tell, she is drinking} but she didnt have any she got some for free! ha!
They had a big turn-out! Mrs. Adams stopped by {Sara Kate's grandmother} so that was sweet of her!
Meanwhile, Lily and Tyler had an intense game of soccer and then basketball. Then Ryker and his Mom, Bethany, came over and there was an even bigger game of baseball! :)
So, after a full day outside....and working hard selling, we cleaned up and headed to the Messer's to enjoy a taco bar full of all things Cinco de Mayo! So fun and a great way to end the fun day!

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