Sunday, May 12, 2019

Recital day!

Yesterday was a big day! Not only was it Lily's last season soccer game but we also ended dance for the season too!

This was a picture from dress rehearsal Friday night. We literally ran from soccer, to grab lunch to flying down to Oxford to get dressed and ready {in this attire} Saturday! :)
Alexis loved hanging out with Carli while they were waiting on their dances. They mainly sat in the dressing room putting make-up on each other!
Time for Lex to shine with her ballet routine! She just shines up on stage! So graceful!
I hate that the stage lights got this picture! But...she if officially shining! :)
Lily's turn! She could have smiled at the audience more but she did great too!
All the ballerinas!
Next, Lex's jazz routine! She shined yet again!
Smiled the entire time!
BOOM! So pretty! Stage lights got this one too!
Awards time! Lily got her perfect attendance award and then Gran brought her flowers!
My little dancing star!
Lex got her perfect attendance dance award too! She has completed her 7th year of dance! Wow, I cant believe she has danced that long already!
Gran giving her flowers too!
OHHH...I hate this picture is blurry! I had to take it around a man giving his daughter flowers and wasnt able to get the camera in focus! Lily getting her 5th year award! 5 years of dance for this girl!
Sweet girl and all of her awards! She loved her beautifully painted ballerina award!
All of her awards....and her 'look' on her face of....NO more pictures! I do NOT like this look!
Alexis with her awards!
Nan and Pawpaw with the little dancers!
Family pic!
Gran and Ben!
We went to eat with them after to celebrate Mother's day at Logans. YUM! After, we came home and crashed! It was a looong day!

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